Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008


tired tired tired

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

One More Time

I was thinking about my past for the past few days and a lot of thing flash back to my mind. There are friends that were bad and Friends that good & nice but i didn't treasure them and lot of other thing which i hope could return to past and do it again, but make it right this time! =D
The things that i think about the most for the past few days was the peoples who i should treasure but i didn't, and when i realise it was too late, everything as over.. And i blame myself that, why don't i act fast and why don't i say it out when there is a chance and why don't i explain when there is a misunderstanding and many more... And why was i so lucky to have such friends that back stab me, which those i treasure the most to leave me away.

Let me repeat everything again One More Time...

1st month of attachment

1 month of attachment has pass, it's seem like a very busy attachment i get. most of my classmate n friends attachment like very relax but mine dam busy but learn quite alot of things during the 1st month. just feel that learning $450 for doing a full time helpdesk job like a very cheap labour worst than those work cleaner or construction worker.