Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Angry! :)

Why there are such people keep complain about others but never think about themselves? keep saying others don't understand when he/she does not listen to others!! He/She say that when teaching others, they(others) did not understand a simple question/answer, but did he/she know that "your stands of SIMPLE question/answer might not be simple to others!!"?
BUT! he/she don't listen!! and shoot back at me that i don't understand what he/she is talking about to me. And complain that i keep repeating my words at him/her.

PS: if you thinks that others are so bad, you are wrong! did you think about yourself? Keeps saying others are noob, as like you never noob before? Not all people are born to be smart and you are not!! Don't keep thinks that you are always right! doesn't mean that u score an "A" means you are good, as the work you done WAS with the help of others!!!!!

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